Sunday, March 17, 2013

Plate Tectonic

Question: Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics?

What is plate tectonics? Plate tectonics is all the lithosphere on the earth, and all the plates were together, after millions millions years ago, they separated into many different pieces. For example: Africa, North America, South America. I agree with it because there are many reason, convection currents is one of the main reason that cause all the plates separated!

What is convection currents, convection currents is a movement inside the earth, it happens in mantel, when the magma gets heat from the the outer core it will rise up because of the pressure, and when the magma reach all the way to the top, touch the cold surface, the magma go down again, and the process keeps repeat, form a circle and keeps going around, and it cause the plates above mantel keeps moving.

Another reason is because of the movement of plate boundary, there are three types of boundary movement. Convergent, divergent, and transform. they make the plates separated because they moved the plates from another. Convergent when two plates come together, this also create a trench, volcano, and mountain. another one is divergent, when two plates move a part, this type of movement create a ridge, rift, and volcano underwater. the last movement is called transform, which two plates slide by each other, this type of boundary movement create earthquake, this three types of boundary movement happened in millions millions years ago, untill now it still keep happen, that's why the plates were separated.

The last reason is the geography, it is like a puzzle, when we put all the plates back together they can form a piece of pretty big land, and the desert, the animal fossil is another evidence we can use to proof all plates were together, if there are one desert is somewhere between two plates million years ago, and when we put back together, we can see two small desert can form one big desert. Another reason is the animal fossil, if we found a big special blue tyrannosaurus rex fossil in Asia, we may also discover one in  North America.

Through all the research I did, I learned that all the plates were together and called Pangaea, and there were some reason why the Pangaea separated, because of the boundary movement, and convection currents. In my opinion, I should learn more about earth science, so we can know like what was earth look like million years ago, or what is outside of the earth, what is the origin of the earth.

What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoy create a mini lab in Microsoft, because it's very helpful, it improve me to know how to use Microsoft even better, and it's funny to make a lab for people to do.

What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging part for me was present my stuff to my group, because it was easy for me to make everything, but when the times come to present, i felt a little nervous, because its hard to let them know what I want them to do.

What new skills did you learn from doing this project.
In this project I learned how to sing a poem, and also improve me on using Microsoft better.

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? explain.
I could do better on the first part taking note on the video, because i was kind lazy during that part, and i talked to my classmate a lot.

What would you change about this project?
No, I would change nothing about this project, because this project is perfect, and I really learned lot of thing about earth science in this project.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Rock types blog post.

1.Rock cycle
Rock cycle is The rock cycle is the natural process in which rocks transform from one rock type into another rock type over time. The magma comes out from the volcano. The lava solidification then becomes igneous rocks. The rocks break to a little pieces by weathering, the piece of rocks are called sediments. The sediments erosion by the water and compaction with other sediments in water then they cementation and becomes sedimentary rocks. The rocks gets heat and pressure from the earth and changes the form, this is called metamorphic rocks. Any types of the rocks can be liquidation into magma. The process repeat again and again, this is rock cycle.

2.Rocks - Vocabulary.
Metamorphic rocks is when heat and pressure gets into it.

Magma/lava is melted rocks.

Solidification is when rocks gets cools and becomes hard.

Igneous rocks is when magma/lava gets cools.

Weathering is when rocks break by water. wind.

Erosion is rocks moved by water.

Sediment is piece of rock.

Compaction is when rocks gets together.

Cementation is when sediments glue together.

Sedimentary rock is form by sediments compaction and cementation.

3.Rock types

Igneous rock-


Sedimentary rocks-



Metamorphic rock-


Crystals and Minerals blog post.

  In science class, I learned that how rocks are formed. Rocks are formed by heat and dissolve in water. different mineral has different properties, like the cleavage, luster, color, composition, and hardness. I also learned how to defined a mineral by using the properties.
What I did in the lab was choose 2 types of the mineral that I want to make, and put water into the big cup, and turn on the machine, and we put powdered into it, until the water was totally saturated. We put the liquid into the beaker,then put the beaker under the sunlight.

2.mineral properties.

color- the color that you can perceive when you look at the mineral.

luster- metallic or Non-metallic.

Metallic- look like metal.

Non-metallic- does not look like a metal.

fracture- break unevenly.

cleavage- break evenly.

hardness- how hard or soft.
Hard- scratch the glass plate(5.5)

soft- does not scratch the glass plate.

composition- Chemical structure.

Mineral identification.

Name: Talc
Luster: Non-metallic
color: white

Name: Pyrite
Luster: Metallic
color: brassy yellow

Friday, October 12, 2012

About Me

Science is boring anyway.
I like to do mathematics.
Can't go to college scares me.
Cheeseburger is my favorite food.
I will be a teacher when I grow up.
I have no sibling.
My favorite color is blue.
My favorite thing to do is self-study, and play "dota" with my friend.
Watch out for what do I need to finish everyday.
I wish I could hard study in China.